The Imperative of Purpose: Bridging Science, Philosophy, and Divine Wisdom
And G-d said to Abram, “Go forth from your native land and from your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” (Genesis 12:1) I. Introduction Physics stands as the cornerstone of modern science, offering fundamental laws that govern matter and energy throughout the cosmos. Its equations describe the dance of subatomic particles and the orchestration of galactic systems with remarkable precision. However, a profound dichotomy exists in our universe: the distinction between inanimate and living matter. While physics masterfully explains the behavior of lifeless matter, it falls conspicuously silent when confronted with the defining characteristic of life itself—purposefulness. The reductionist assertion that biology can be fully explained through chemistry, and chemistry through physics, while technically true, obscures a fundamental gulf in our understanding. This gap lies not in the mechanical [...]