Did G‑d Create Mathematics?
"G‑d is a mathematician"Carl Friedrich Gauss I. Can We Prove that G-d created Axioms of mathematics? 1. Introduction A reader challenged me with a question, “Could you prove G-d created basic propositions (axioms) of mathematics?” It is a profound question that merits a more detailed answer. There is no universally accepted “proof” in the mathematical sense that G‑d authored the axioms (or “basic propositions”) of mathematics. The question of whether G‑d is the ground—that is, the metaphysical foundation—or source of mathematical truths is a longstanding philosophical and theological debate. Here are a few perspectives on this issue, along with reasons why no formal, universally agreed-upon proof exists. 2. What Would a “Proof” Even Look Like? i. Nature of Mathematical Proof In mathematics, proofs demonstrate that a conclusion follows logically from a set of axioms. Axioms themselves are [...]