We will go in front of our brothers…
Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Lyadi (the first Rebbe of Chabad and the author of Tanya), known as the Alter Rebbe once said, we must leiben min hatzait – live with the time, i.e., with the current Torah portion. The Torah portion we read this Shabbat – Mattos – talks about the tribes of Reuben and Gad who did not wish to cross Jordan (Yarden). They had a lot of cattle and seeing that the land of Sichon and Og was lush and suitable for cattle, they ask Moses for permission to build houses for their cattle, their children and wives in this land. They asked that this territory be given to them as a hereditary land instead of the portion of the land in Canaan on the other side of Jordan. Moses was furious with them. He accused them of repeating [...]