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Rosh HaShanah: The Beginning of Change II

Abstract This essay explores the profound connections between language, philosophy, physics, and spirituality in the context of Rosh HaShanah. By examining the linguistic roots of “shanah” (year), “shinui” (change), and “shnei” (two), the essay uncovers a rich tapestry of meaning that addresses the fundamental question: Why is there change rather than permanence? The study traces the metaphysical concept of change from ancient Greek philosophy through medieval Jewish thought to modern physics, highlighting the paradoxical relationship between the Infinite Creator and finite creation as expressed in Kabbalistic and Chassidic concepts of mati ve’lo mati and ratzo va’shov. The essay concludes by proposing a relational view of time and change, aligning Jewish mystical thought with contemporary physics, and presenting Rosh HaShanah as an opportunity for renewing and deepening our relationship with the Divine. Introduction In [...]

I Am Who I Am: Conversation at the Burning Bush

…And behold, the thorn bush was burning with fire, but the thorn bush was not being consumed." (Ex. 3:2) Every theologian worth his salt along with many philosophers, from Plato and Aristotle to Descartes and Kant, attempted to prove the existence of G‑d.  Tomas Aquinas, for instance, offered not just one but five “proofs”!  Others, such as Hume and Nietzsche, tried proving the opposite.  Little did they understand that proving the existence (or nonexistence) of G‑d is a fool’s errand.  Here are at least ten reasons why G‑d's existence cannot be proven (or disproven): The existence of G‑d cannot be proven because… G‑d doesn’t “exist,” not in the ordinary sense of existence anyway.  One can say that something exists only so long as it may exist or may not. By stating that something [...]




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